BD Water was born in 2009 as an irrigation sole trader. Following a revamp at the beginning of 2018, BD Water has grown in size and scope to the fully integrated water services provider it is today.
Based in the Swan Valley, BD Water can assist with your requirements in the following areas:
- Water licensing and trading around WA
- Bore drilling into different aquifers along the coastline and in the hills & inland rocky soils
- Design and construction of irrigation and pumping systems around Perth’s semi-rural and rural surroundings
Many clients either a) don’t have access to mains power, or b) the cost to install and maintain mains power over large distances outweighs any benefit. This is a common challenge when it comes to operating a bore pump & irrigation system, and is experienced by people from all walks of life – from hobby farmers to large commercial properties. In these instances, a solar pumping system can be an economical solution to operate water systems efficiently. BD Water choose Nastec for their solar pumping installations, with quality products manufactured in Italy that seamlessly integrate with any irrigation system.
BD Water’s mission is; we make water simple.
Contact BD Water to discuss your water service requirements:
P: (08) 6117 2515